Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
4th International Conference and Exhibition on Biometrics & Biostatistics, will be organized around the theme “An Insight into Advanced Research Technologies in Biometrics & Biostatistics”
Biostatistics 2015 is comprised of 11 tracks and 70 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Biostatistics 2015.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
It comprises of statistical methods that are used to manage uncertainties in the field of medicine and health. It includes biostatistics in clinical research and clinical trials, biostatistics research and methodology, clinical decision making, statistical methods in diagnostic medicine, statistical and computing methods.
- Track 1-1Statistical methods in diagnostic medicine
- Track 1-2Clinical and experimental medical research
- Track 1-3Clinical trials and decision making
- Track 1-4Pharmacoepidemiology
- Track 1-5Ethical issues in biostatistics
- Track 2-1Longitudinal studies
- Track 2-2Analysis with incomplete data
- Track 2-3Meta-Analysis
- Track 2-4Quantitative problems in health-risk analysis
- Track 2-5Statistical methodology in genetic studies
- Track 2-6Ecological statistics
- Track 2-7Monte-Carlo methods
- Track 2-8Statistical methods for drug development
- Track 2-9Statistical methods For infectious diseases
- Track 2-10Teaching biostatistics
- Track 2-11Statistical methods for simulations
- Track 2-12Design of experiments (DOE)
- Track 3-1Stochastic structural optimization and bayesian statistics
- Track 3-2Semiparametric bayesian analysis
- Track 3-3Bayesian multiple change point analysis
- Track 3-4Infrared spectroscopy with bayesian statistics
- Track 3-5Bayesian dynamic models
- Track 4-1Linear and Non-linear analysis
- Track 4-2Analysis of variance and regression
- Track 4-3Statistical methods for categorical data analysis
- Track 4-4Multiple regression with categorical data
- Track 5-1Applications of Ranking Models and Methods to Biometrics and Biostatistics
- Track 5-2Computational intelligence techniques
- Track 5-3Applications of bioinformatics
- Track 5-4Translational bioinformatics
- Track 5-5Structural bioinformatics
- Track 6-1Biostatistics in systems biology
- Track 6-2Machine learning and artificial intelligence
- Track 6-3Data analysis: Missing and multiway
- Track 7-1Large data sets
- Track 7-2Hierarchical models
- Track 7-3Nonparametrics
- Track 7-4Statistical genetics
- Track 7-5Mantel–Haenszel test
- Track 7-6Biometric implications
- Track 7-7Causal inference
- Track 7-8Handling missing data
- Track 7-9Longitudinal data analysis
- Track 7-10Sample size estimation
- Track 7-11Epidemiological data analysis
- Track 7-12Survival analysis
- Track 7-13Categorical data analysis
- Track 8-1Integrated biometric identification and surveillance systems
- Track 8-2Principal component analysis and multilayer perception
- Track 8-3Human system interaction
- Track 8-4Centralized biometric database
- Track 8-5Intelligent pupil analysis system
- Track 8-6Palm print identification
- Track 8-7Biometric data delivery
- Track 8-8Laser imaging and biometrics
- Track 9-1Personal identity verification
- Track 9-2Human activity recognition
- Track 9-3Legal compatability for biometric systems
- Track 9-4Crime prevention
- Track 9-5Biometric devices and algorithms
- Track 9-6Behavioral intelligence
- Track 9-7Multi touch displays in biometrics
- Track 10-1Animal biometrics and its applications in pre-clinical research
- Track 10-2Biometrics of gestures
- Track 10-3Biometric performance grading scheme
- Track 10-4Automatic face analysis
- Track 10-5Software testing and cloud computing
- Track 11-1Counter measures to combat cyber terrorism
- Track 11-2Cybersecurity for critical infrastructures and high performance computing
- Track 11-3Security/privacy technologies